Sunday, January 29, 2012


I know how it has made me feel in the past
Times of joy and happiness
but did i choose it because i wanted it
or because i needed a way out
Out of my current reality
out of sorrows
And into new tomorrows
I know I have believed
and have loved it so
but I find myself at a painful crossroad
I want more than I have had
Maybe the timing and location are just bad
But I feel like a familiar story
filled with rabbit holes
mischievous men
and half birthday celebrations
I wish I could see past this fork in the road
to where I will end up
But in reality there is no fast forward
no rewind
no oops my bad, maybe next time
What was peaceful silence
is now loud and confusing
I can't make out the voices
I can make out the faces
My world spin and falls
rises and turns
where beautiful music once played
all there is, is static.